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Here are my proposed changes for the first section of the LDP
manifesto.  As compared to the copyright/license section, this part is
easy (-:  You will note that I've expanded the scope of LDP somewhat.
Since this mailing list is open to all, I'll need to give higher
weight to feedback from those who are LDP authors.  So if you're not a
LDP author, please let me know (unless you think I already know).  

			David Lawyer

OVERVIEW 	> existing           * proposed (draft)

> The Linux Documentation Project is working on developing good,
> reliable docs for the Linux operating system. The overall goal of the
> LDP is to collaborate in taking care of all of the issues of Linux
> documentation, ranging from online docs (man pages, texinfo docs, and
> so on) to printed manuals covering topics such as installing, using,
> and running Linux. 

* The Linux Documentation Project is working on developing free,
* good quality documentation for the GNU/Linux operating system.  The
* overall goal of the LDP is to collaborate in all of the issues of
* Linux documentation.  This includes the creation of "HOWTOs" and
* "Guides".  We hope to establish a system of documentation for Linux
* that will be easy to use and search.  This includes the integration
* of the manual pages, info docs, HOWTOs, and other documents.

> The LDP is set out to produce the canonical set of Linux online and
> printed documentation. Because our docs will be freely available (like
> software licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL) and distributed on
> the net, we are able to easily update the documentation to stay on top
> of  the many changes in the Linux world. If you are interested in
> publishing any of the LDP works, see the section ``Publishing LDP
> Manuals'', below.

* The LDP's goal is to create the canonical set of free Linux
* documentation.  While online (and downloadable) documentation can be
* frequently updated in order to stay on top of the many changes in the
* Linux world, we also like to see the same docs included on CDs and
* printed in books.  If you are interested in publishing any of the LDP
* works, see the section ``Publishing LDP Manuals'', below.  

> The LDP is essentially a loose team of volunteers with little
> central organization; anyone who is interested in helping is welcome
> to join in the effort. We feel that working together and agreeing on
> the direction and scope of Linux documentation is the best way to
> go, to reduce problems with conflicting efforts---two people writing
> two books on the same aspect of Linux wastes someone's time along
> the way.

* The LDP is essentially a loose team of volunteers with minimal central
* organization.  Anyone who would like to help is welcome to join
* in this effort.  We feel that working together informally and
* discussing projects on our mailing lists is the best way to go.  When
* we disagree on things, we try to reason with each other until we reach
* an informed consensus.  Our organization helps avoid the duplication
* of effort that would occur if two persons (unknown to each other) were
* to write on the same topic.

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